Eco Himal
«Eco Himal, an international non-governmental, non-profit association founded in 1991, based in Salzburg, Austria, supports ecological, social and cultural development programmes in Nepal and Tibet in partnership with local organisations and experts.
A prime example of sustainable development in a Himalayan community is the construction of a small hydroelectric power plant in Thame in the Sagarmatha National Park of Nepal supplying Namche Bazar and its environment with electricity. The project, together with additional initiatives involving solar energy, clearly demonstrates how eco-political needs of society can effectively be met, saving fuel-wood and reducing excessive deforestation.
In addition to energy and infrastructure projects Eco Himal focuses its attention on poverty alleviation through rural development, on biodiversity conservation, on promotion of a sustainable mountain tourism, and on assistance in protecting Nepal’s rich cultural heritage.»
Albert Mountain Award 2002